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Moments Of Fame

El-Arabi's dramatic winner knocks Arsenal out of the 2020 Europa League

El-Arabi's dramatic winner knocks Arsenal out of the 2020 Europa League

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After Arsenal won the first leg in Athens 1-0, many saw the second leg in London as a must-do for the Gunners.

But Olympiakos made it clear early on that they had not traveled to London for sightseeing.

After 90 minutes, the Greeks were able to fight their way into extra time thanks to a 1-0 win through Cissé and the mood of the home fans became more and more impatient and nervous.

When Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang equalized the score at 1-1 Arsenal were 7 minutes away from reaching the eighth final.

But Olympiacos striker El Arabi had other plans. In the 119th minute, a cross from Masouras was converted and shocked the Emirates Stadium.

  • Lieferung innerhalb von 3-5 Werktagen
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