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Moments Of Fame
Effenberg for the 2-0 DFB Cup win against Wolfsburg in 1995
Effenberg for the 2-0 DFB Cup win against Wolfsburg in 1995
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After Effenberg was sent home early at the 1994 World Cup due to the middle finger scandal, Gladbach's manager Rolf Rüssmann brought "Effe" back to Bökelberg on loan for the 94/95 season.
He shouldn't regret this decision.
With players like Effenberg, Dahlin and Herrlich, who achieved his best mark with 20 goals in the season and became top scorer in the Bundesliga together with Mario Basler, the "Fohlen" were able to secure 5th place in the table qualify for international competition.
The highlight of the season, however, was winning the DFB Cup.
The title win in 1995 was Gladbach's last to date, but still an unforgettable one for the fans.
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